First let me just say, wow
The characters were great, the music was wonderful, and the suspense was well-built.
In this movie, the nation of Wakanda was grappling with the death of their king T'challa aka the black panther
In the midst of all this, the UN is trying to steal the vibranium and get over on Wakanda. In this scene, I love how Queen Ramonda
addresses their unacceptable behavior and tactics to strike Wakanda when THEY think it's weak.
After the UN conference, Queen Mother finds Shuri in her lab busying herself, distracting herself from her grief
The Queen then takes Shuri to do a ritual to get closure.
While they are doing their ritual, Namor (or Kul'ulk' Kan to his people) Comes up out of the water and floats on his winged ankles toward them
He then introduces himself and tells them he's looking for the scientist who built the vibranium detector that they knew nothing about.
Namor then says to bring the scientist to him so he can kill them. He then leaves them a shell with which they can alert him.
After the wakandans research the scientist they discover that it is the college student genius, Riri Williams
Okoye and Shuri then go to find Riri at MIT. While they were transporting her to Wakanda they are confronted by the government. They then split up, allowing us to see Riri's first ironheart suit design (in my opinion is a bit tacky. Then again it is a prototype made of spare parts🤷)
Once they escape the feds, the Wakandans (plus one) are confronted by yet another government. This time it's the Talokans
The Talokans blow up the bridge (i believe the bombs they use throughout the movie are filled with water, comment down below if you also believe this)
And knock everyone except Okeye out. Okoye then begins to battle Attuma, the Talokan war general, Attuma and Okeye battle and after a while, Attuma almost cuts Okeyes arm off
But Okoye keeps fighting. Attuma then gets his water-filled bomb and blows up the bridge, knocking Okye off. Shuri wakes up and asks to be taken to Namor.
Attuma Knocks Shuri out and takes her to Talokan. Namor then shows her around, explaining to her his people's backstory, and shares he's a mutant(complete with the X-Men theme song)
Because Queen Mother doesn't know any of this is going on, she fires Okeye for losing Shuri and then send Nakia to find her
Nakia finds Shuri and the guard threatens to kill Shuri. Nakia kills the guard, and in the process unintentionally starts an uproar in Talokan
Namor then takes his armies to Wakanda and begins destroying their beautiful capital city. Namor army begins pulling and drowning people underwater, demolishing their buildings and shelters, and flooding the cities. When Namor first begins flooding the city
you see Okeye save a little boy, you also see the same little boy in the school building in which Queen Ramonda recruits Nakia. This is important.
Anyway, Namor and his army are causing all this destruction, Shuri comes out and begins firing missiles at Namor. Namor then destroys the ship ad flys away. while passing by the palace
Namor notices Queen Mother and Riri watching him from the window.
Namor flies close to the window and strikes it, breaking a small hole in it.
Namor then Throws his water-filled bomb at the window, and the queen and Riri are sent flying backward into a large pool of water
The Queen notices Riri sinking and grabs her and attempts to bring herself and Riri back to the surface.
When Shuri comes to the thrown window she sees her mother lying face-down close to the surface.
The Dora are with her and they pull the queen and Riri out of the water. As they are giving CPR to Riri and Queen Mother, Riri wakes up and Queen Mother does not. Very traumatic.
At the funeral, M'baku is giving his condolences to Shuri while trying to give her assistance and advice
He also asks her how she's coming with creating a new synthetic heart-shaped herb.
The scene then cuts to Shuri rearranging the molecules and DNA of her brother. She does eventually successfully
recreate the heart-shaped herb and takes it. But it is not her brother OR her mother she sees. It's Erik Kilmonger
He then tells her that her brother was noble, therefore he was weak. While he took care of business. Shuri tells him that she will
never be like him and as she's doing so the room sets on fire. Symbolizing the rage that led her to him.
Once Shuri wakes up, Nakia asks her who she saw but she won't tell. She then gets up and says it didn't work, punching
A Dora Milage suit dummy, sending it flying. Guess it worked after all. Shuri goes over to pick her suit and ironically
picks the suit similar to Kilmongers (with her war paint already painted on the face). She goes to the Jabari lands where everyone has fled due to Namor’s attacks.
She arm-wrestles with M'Baku and she wins(I think M'Baku let her win, fearing her strength wasn't enough)
While everyone is preparing for war Nakia again asks Shuri who she saw, but she still will not tell. Everyone boards a
massive ship and chant their iconic, “Wakanda Forever!” The Wakandans also get smart and add a sonic sound machine, so
when the Talokans make their siren-like calls, it wont work. And just like the Wakandands anticipated, the Talokans came right to them.
As the Talokan warriors crawl their way to the top of the ship, the Jabari men launch the Dora Milaje over the edge of the boat with ropes,
and they begin the batle. Some of the Talokans crawl the other side of the ship, and now the battle is really on. As this is going on, Shuri launches from her aircraft
and gets to work on the Talokans the Dora are fighting. She takes them out and goes back to her craft, where Namor meets her.
Shuri found out that Namor breathes through his skin, therefore to beat him she just needs to dry him out. So while their battling in the ship,
the heat is all the way up. Namor can no longer take the heat, and begins stabing holes in the bottom of her craft.
His spear is made of raw vibranium so it breaks through with a huge explosion. Shuri told her aircraft to get them to the dessert
before he tore it up, so when it explodes they land in the dessert. Here we get a close up of her unsheathing her claws, witch means to me, the black panthers gonna kick yo butt.
Namor attacks fiercly and battle is on. Namor flys toward Shuri on his ankle wings(mutations are mysterious how they work) and Shuri rips on of them out. Taking away his flight
Namor gets mad (and losing life fast{no water in the desert, very hot and dry}) and stabs Shuri. So hard that she becomes stuck on a rock. Just as Shuri starts to give in and cry she
hears Kilmongers words "are you gonna be noble like your brother, or take care of business like me" She chooses option number 2 and cuts off the top of the spear
and drags herself off. She chants her Wakanda Forever and frys the backside of Namor. Just as shes about to slice Namor neck (he SERIOUSLY needed it too) she sees her deceased mom
she tells her "Show him who you are" and she doesnt kill him. She gives him options. Yeild and live, or keep going and everyone will die.
He says "I yield" and she helps him up takes him to the battle ship. He tells his armies to stop and poof! battles over. The scene cuts to the battle for the throne
where instead of Shuri challenging, M'baku gets out the ship and says "The panther send her regards, but she will not be challenging for the throne" The scene then cuts to Riri packing up.
Shuri tells her, she cant take her suit with her, and presents her with her destroyed car, that she had fixed.
The scene then cuts to the Shuri in haiti, where she meets with Nakia, who set up the ritual for Shuri. Nakia tells her that she'll go get something (someone rather) and she'll be right back
Shuri tells her she would like to do it alone, and Nakia obliges. Shuri burns her funeral clothes and thats the end of the movie. No Marvel movie is complete without end credit(s)